Ph.D. Electronic Engineer

14 nov 2024
The mega-coral measures 34 metres by 32 metres – making it larger than a blue whale – and it is thought to be three centuries old
A groundbreaking discovery was made near Malaulalo Island when divers stumbled upon the largest coral colony ever recorded, identified as Pavona clavus. Measuring an astonishing 34 by 32 meters, the coral is larger than a blue whale and estimated to be 300 years old. Enric Sala from National Geographic's Pristine Seas project described the find as a "happy accident" and highlighted its ecological importance as a habitat for diverse marine life, comparing it to an "old growth forest." Despite its healthy condition, the coral faces threats from local pollution, overfishing, and climate change. Recent global coral bleaching events, driven by record-high ocean temperatures, have affected many reefs, but this massive coral appears resilient for now. Sala advocates for the establishment of more marine protected areas (MPAs) to shield marine ecosystems from local stressors while emphasizing the urgent need for global action to reduce carbon emissions and combat ocean warming. MPAs, he notes, can enhance reef resilience and buy time to address broader climate challenges.