Designed of a batteries charging system LIPO
In this work, we make simulation, design, and testing of a prototype of the charging system of the lithium-polymer battery bank for the experimental hybrid electric vehicle of the lithium-polymer battery bank for the experimental hybrid electric vehicle that is being developed at the being developed at the Machine Dynamics Laboratory of the Simón Bolívar University Bolivar The power and control board is based on a dc-dc converter of the boost type with ZV switching (boost) dc-dc converter with ZVS-ZCS switching. In order to improve the charging process, a charging algorithm.
The charging algorithm was implemented based on the load level detection and the battery's dynamic model to calculate the initial charge level and initiate the charging process. For two control loops were implemented to control the converter, one for the control of the array voltage level based on logic based on Fuzzy Logic type 2 and an internal loop for the control of the charging current based on a PID controller. Based on an adjustable PID controller using the CPSO (Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization) technique Particle Swarm Optimization).
