A vision system to operate in fog conditions is an advantage in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) navigation applications. It provides fast deployment at remote or challenging locations, being essential for many civil and military applications such as post-disaster relief assistance. Our SPI NIR system developed, if adopted in UAVs, offers a solution to perform better visualization of the scene in outdoor conductions if compared to conventional vision systems that are normally using RGB sensors operating in the visible spectrum. As explained, conventional systems operating in the VIS range present much higher image degradation in fog conditions than those operating in the NIR part of the spectra. In the literature, there are examples of the use of IR vision systems for UAVs for applications such as rescue missions that enable fast exploration in scenes with low-illumination, or operations performed in complex weather conditions that limit the drone visibility. Therefore, we believe that the NIR-SPI system presented has a great potential to be used in similar applications. Furthermore, SPI could be an alternative to the use of LIDAR technology.

Reconstruction 2D NIR-SPI a scenario of foggy and midday using HSI, FSI, and CS methods applying DCP algorithm.