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Research Blog

  • Foto del escritorCarlos Osorio

Actualizado: 8 nov 2022

Color imaging provides more information about the captured scene, but under conditions of low illumination or scattering, this color information is degraded or lost. It is necessary to use longer wavelengths, such as infrared (IR), to pass through the medium and capture the scene image. Although these images obtained through IR are monochromatic, in some applications, the color information provides details that can help us to discriminate objects or make decisions.

We proposed using a vision system active illumination single-pixel imaging 2D color in the near-infrared (NIR) at wavelength 850-1550 nm, with a resolution of 32 x 32 image size. For the generation of 2D color imaging, the spatial multi-spectral mask method was proposed in combination with deep learning using a NoGAN approach. To evaluate the reconstructed color image, we make laboratory tests, where we will measure the performance of the color quality of the reconstructed image through No-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) methods and processing time. To determine the feasibility of our system, we will make tests in real scenarios where the identification of scene objects' colors would be necessary, such as in rescue or surveillance conditions.


We propose a method for 2D video at ~15 frames per second with 32 × 32 pixels resolution to be applied in hyperspectral camera single-pixel and RADAR for operating in outdoor applications with severe weather conditions or GPS-denied environments.

Dynamic environments present different factors that limit performance in the quality image and video of conventional cameras based on RGB sensors as atmospheric effects, background light noise saturation, low-visibility, or obstacle on the scene, for which have been proposed different solutions from the integration of sensors hyper-spectral and fusion technologies as RADAR, and LIDAR. A low-cost solution for image sensors in low-light scattering media that offer more integration capacity with other sensors is a vision system based on the principle of single-pixel imaging (SPI). We developed an SPI camera with active NIR illumination at wavelength 1550 nm in combination with millimeter RADAR in band 80 GHz to generate 2D video.

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